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For more details, refer to the Zsh documentation.

Basic Commands

Zsh Basics

  • Start Zsh: Just type zsh in your terminal.
  • Exit Zsh: Type exit or Ctrl+D.
  • Change directory: cd /path/to/directory
  • List files: ls
  • Current directory: pwd

File Management

  • Copy file: cp source_file destination_file
  • Move file: mv source_file destination_file
  • Remove file: rm filename
  • Remove empty directory: rmdir directory
  • Remove full directory: rm -r directory
  • Create directory: mkdir directory_name

Command History

  • Show command history: history
  • Repeat last command: !!
  • Repeat specific command: !n (where n is the command number in history)

Aliases and Functions

Creating Aliases

alias ll='ls -la'
alias gs='git status'


unalias ll

Defining Functions

myfunc() {
    echo "This is a custom function!"

Zsh Options

Listing Options

  • List all options: setopt
  • Disable an option: unsetopt option_name
  • Enable an option: setopt option_name

Common Options

  • Case-insensitive tab completion: setopt NO_CASE_GLOB
  • Auto cd: setopt AUTO_CD


Basic Globbing

  • Match any file: *
  • Match specific extension: *.txt
  • Match any single character: ?
  • Match character range: [a-z]

Extended Globbing

  • Enable extended globbing: setopt EXTENDED_GLOB
  • Match zero or more characters: *(pattern)
  • Match zero or one occurrence: ?(pattern)
  • Match one or more occurrences: +(pattern)
  • Exclude a pattern: ~(pattern)

Prompt Customization

Basic Prompt Customization

export PS1="%n@%m:%~$ "
- %n: Username - %m: Hostname - %~: Current directory


PROMPT='%n@%m:%~$ '
RPROMPT='%T'  # Time on the right side

Zsh Plugins and Themes


  • Install Oh-My-Zsh:
    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Managing Plugins

  • List plugins:
    plugins=(git zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions)
  • Reload Zsh configuration: source ~/.zshrc

Changing Themes

  • Set theme in .zshrc:


Enable Autocompletion

autoload -U compinit

Custom Autocompletions

# Example: Git autocompletion
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
autoload -Uz bashcompinit && bashcompinit
source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git

Useful Keybindings

Editing Shortcuts

  • Move to the beginning of the line: Ctrl + A
  • Move to the end of the line: Ctrl + E
  • Delete word before cursor: Ctrl + W
  • Clear the screen: Ctrl + L

Command Navigation

  • Previous command: Ctrl + P or Up Arrow
  • Next command: Ctrl + N or Down Arrow
  • Search command history: Ctrl + R

Scripting with Zsh

Simple Script Example


echo "Hello, Zsh!"
for i in {1..5}; do
    echo "Iteration $i"

Running the Script

chmod +x script_name.zsh