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# Install tree on macOS using Homebrew
brew install tree

Basic Usage

# Display the tree structure of the current directory

# Display the tree structure of a specific directory
tree /path/to/directory

Display Options

# Display all files and directories, including hidden ones
tree -a

# Display only directories
tree -d

# Display the full path prefix for each file
tree -f

# Follow symbolic links
tree -l

Sorting Options

# Sort files alphabetically (default)
tree -v

# Sort files by last modification time
tree -t

# Sort files by size
tree -s

# Reverse the order of the sort
tree -r

Depth Options

# Limit the depth of the tree
tree -L 2

# Print the tree depth of each file and directory
tree -D

File Options

# Print the size of each file in bytes
tree -s

# Print the size of each file in human-readable format
tree -h

# Print the date of the last modification time for each file
tree -p

Output Options

# Print the tree structure without indentation lines
tree -i

# Print the tree structure with ANSI colorization
tree -C

# Print the tree structure with file permissions
tree -p

# Print the tree structure and include the report at the end
tree -v


# Show help for the tree command
tree --help