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Installing and Loading the terra Package

# Install the terra package

# Load the terra package

Working with Rasters

Reading Raster Data

# Read a raster file
r <- rast("path/to/raster/file.tif")

# Print raster information

Creating Raster Data

# Create an empty raster with specific dimensions
r <- rast(nrows=100, ncols=100, xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10)

# Assign values to the raster
values(r) <- runif(ncell(r))

Writing Raster Data

# Write a raster to a file
writeRaster(r, "output_raster.tif", overwrite=TRUE)

Raster Calculations

Basic Calculations

# Arithmetic operations
r1 <- rast("raster1.tif")
r2 <- rast("raster2.tif")

r_sum <- r1 + r2
r_diff <- r1 - r2
r_prod <- r1 * r2
r_div <- r1 / r2

Cell Statistics

# Summary statistics
mean_value <- global(r, "mean")
max_value <- global(r, "max")
min_value <- global(r, "min")

# Cell-based statistics
cell_mean <- app(r, mean)
cell_sum <- app(r, sum)

Zonal Statistics

# Zonal statistics
zones <- rast("zones.tif")
zonal_mean <- zonal(r, zones, fun="mean")

Vector Data

Reading Vector Data

# Read a vector file
v <- vect("path/to/vector/file.shp")

# Print vector information

Creating Vector Data

# Create a point vector
points <- vect(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), ncol=2), type="points")

# Create a line vector
lines <- vect(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), ncol=2), type="lines")

# Create a polygon vector
polygons <- vect(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), ncol=2), type="polygons")

Writing Vector Data

# Write a vector to a file
writeVector(v, "output_vector.shp", overwrite=TRUE)

Raster-Vector Interactions

Extracting Raster Values

# Extract raster values at vector locations
values <- extract(r, v)

Rasterizing Vectors

# Rasterize a vector
r <- rasterize(v, r, field="attribute_name")

Vectorizing Rasters

# Convert raster to vector
v <- as.polygons(r)

Spatial Operations

Reprojecting Data

# Reproject a raster
r_proj <- project(r, "EPSG:4326")

# Reproject a vector
v_proj <- project(v, "EPSG:4326")

Resampling Rasters

# Resample a raster
r_resample <- resample(r, r, method="bilinear")

Aggregating Rasters

# Aggregate a raster
r_agg <- aggregate(r, fact=2, fun="mean")

Masking Rasters

# Mask a raster with another raster or vector
r_masked <- mask(r, mask_layer)

Cropping Rasters

# Crop a raster
r_cropped <- crop(r, extent(0, 5, 0, 5))


Plotting Rasters

# Plot a raster

Plotting Vectors

# Plot a vector

Overlaying Rasters and Vectors

# Overlay a vector on a raster plot
plot(v, add=TRUE)